email error



I have been trying to switch email address on my site but keep getting a message saying could not perform this operation because defauld mail client is not properly installed. when I click on the email link it give above message but when I click on the page with the form it send it t the old email address. What should I do
thank yo

Crash Gordon

Did you change the email address in the form setup to the new address?

Sounds like you have two problems, you didn't change the email address in form setup, and something is goofy in your email client setup too.

| I have been trying to switch email address on my site but keep getting a message saying could not perform this operation because defauld mail client is not properly installed. when I click on the email link it give above message but when I click on the page with the form it send it t the old email address. What should I do.
| thank you

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