Email addresses


Graham Hughes

I have an Access 2003 database of several hundred contacts, which I want to
import into Outlook. I have been able to do it, but the email addresses
would not import correctly.
eg. (e-mail address removed)
would come out as
[email protected]#http://[email protected]
The email address field in Access is hyperlink, and in the field it displays
the address correctly.
If I change hyperlink to text, it shows the email address incorrectly - the
same as the imported version.

Now for the question...

Without re-typing all of the email addresses manually, how can I solve my
problem and get the email address shown correctly?


use outlook automation to recreate the contacts in outlook

if the data is dirty; i would reccomend retrying it some other way
copy it into excel and then reimport from excel or soemthign along
those lines

how did you get where you are today?

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