It may be a simple modification to your query. It would help if you
posted the SQL text of your query.
Please copy and post the SQL of your query.
(Possibly unneeded instructions follow)
Open the query
Select View:Sql from the Menu
Select all the text
Copy it
Paste it into the message
IF you are talking about just the names, then you would add the DISTINCT
operator to the query. This combines records where the fields returned
are the same. So two records with all the same values get returned as
just one row.
If you are using query design view to set up the query, you need to change
the Unique Values property of the query to Yes (True).
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I've run a query that captures the data set I want. Now I want to
eliminate Duplicate names and retain only the unique names.
These are text fields, can I do this in the Criteria in Design View?
Many thanks.