eliminating characters



I have a field that reads as follows "University of Texas Student", "Pacific
University Student". Is there a way I can get rid of the word "Student". It
is always at the end of the phrase. So I would be left with University of
Texas and Pacific University. Thank you for your help.....


Roger Carlson

Susie said:
I have a field that reads as follows "University of Texas Student", "Pacific
University Student". Is there a way I can get rid of the word "Student". It
is always at the end of the phrase. So I would be left with University of
Texas and Pacific University. Thank you for your help.....



Hi, Susie.

As there may be a variable number of spaces between the university name and
after "Student", a combination of RTrim, which removes trailing spaces, and
the Mid function, which returns a substring of an existing one, should do the
trick. You didn't say whether all records have this word, so I think you
should do this in two update queries. First remove any trailing spaces, then
remove the last seven letters if they are Student, STUDENT, student, or any
other combination:

First Update Query:
Update To: RTrim([YourField])

Second Update Query

Hope that helps.

Roger Carlson

If you are using Access 2000 or above, you can use the Replace function to
replace the string "Student" with the empty string (""). Something like
this: Replace([TheFieldName],"Student","").

In a query, you would use it like this:
UPDATE TheTable SET TheFieldName = Replace([TheFieldName],"Student","");

--Roger Carlson
Access Database Samples: www.rogersaccesslibrary.com
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