Election Results Map


Michael Conroy

This is a hypothetical question so feel free to skip it.

With the upcoming election I began wondering about displaying database
results in a map. Connecticut has some 170 towns which merge up into five
electorial districts, which merge into the fifty states of the union.
Building the database is not the issue, rather I wanted to know if there is a
way to generate a map of the country where democratic states are displayed in
blue and republican in red, based on the electoral and town results of each
state. I would also want a report for each state with the colored results
displayed for each town. And as a bonus, if the size of the states could be
drawn in the proportion of their electorial votes, that would be even better.
I have not used any version of Access beyond 2002, so I was wondering if the
newer versions might have something like this, or if there is an add-on, of
some other application that might make this possible. Thanks for your help.

Mark A. Sam


That is something that could be done in Access, but maybe not in time for
the elections this year. The size thing may be problematic if you want the
states to fit on the map. I can't answer if something like this exists, but
try a search like this: "ms access" electoral map with ther quotes.

I have a cousin outside of Stamford. I think it is Redding.

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam

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