elapsed time format



Searching the archives turned up a lot of msgs on this, but nothing I
found hits exactly what I need, and I wasn't able to get there from
what has been suggested before ....

I have 4 cells, call them 'start_date', 'start_time', 'stop date', and
'stop time', containing values as you would expect. Dates are
formatted dd-mon-yy, times are formatted '13:30'. In the next cell I
need to calculate elapsed time in hh.0, such that an elapsed time of 2
hours and 36 minutes shows as 2.6 --- typical time clock format.

I can't seem to hit on the right combination of calculations and cell
formatting. Have tried using the INT function with a number format, as
was suggested on some similar threads.

Andrew Taylor

Dates and times are stored as multiples of a day, so calculate
your elapsed time as
=(stop_date + stop_time - start_date - start_time) * 24
and format as 0.0 (or as you like).

Andrew Taylor

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