Efficiency about hashtable, arraylist, string and synchronization




Here is the scenario. I have a list of IDs and there are multiple threads
trying to add/remove/read from this list. I can do in C#

1. create Hashtable hList = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
2. create ArrayList aList = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
3. create a string sList = "";

For 1 and 2, since the list is synced, many threads can directly
add/remvoe/read without worrying about the synchrionization.
For 3, I could just
for removing.

sList += id;
for addition.

sList.Indexof(id) >= 0
for searching availability.

My question is

Which way is the thread-safe and the most efficient way to do my work?

If one method is preferred at certain list length, is there a breaking point
based on teh length of the list, by then one method may start to get better
than another one.

The situation is very simple but I face it in most of my applications. Very
interested on how MS implement it behind the scene and whehter any evaluation
is done on this.

Thanks a lot


Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

chrisben said:
Here is the scenario. I have a list of IDs and there are multiple threads
trying to add/remove/read from this list. I can do in C#

1. create Hashtable hList = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
2. create ArrayList aList = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
3. create a string sList = "";

For 1 and 2, since the list is synced, many threads can directly
add/remvoe/read without worrying about the synchrionization.

So long as you don't try to iterate through the list/table... only
*individual* operations are synchronized.
For 3, I could just
for removing.

That would be a no-op - string.Replace returns a new string.
sList += id;
for addition.

This changes sList to refer to a different string.
sList.Indexof(id) >= 0
for searching availability.

My question is

Which way is the thread-safe and the most efficient way to do my work?

Don't use locking at all for strings. They're threadsafe in themselves,
but you need to be aware that anything which "changes" the string
doesn't actually change the string - it just retuns a new string.
If one method is preferred at certain list length, is there a breaking point
based on teh length of the list, by then one method may start to get better
than another one.

The situation is very simple but I face it in most of my applications. Very
interested on how MS implement it behind the scene and whehter any evaluation
is done on this.

If you *actually* want to synchronize operations on the *variable*
sList, you should create a separate lock object, and lock on that
whenever you want to change sList's value.


Marc Gravell

Hashtable, but not your way ;-p

The string option is bad. Don't go near it. Firstly you would need a
delimiter, but mainly because strings are immutable (and hence your code is
actually wrong). You would need sList = sList.Replace(id,""); but now you
have multiple lock objects; OK you could avoid this with a separate lock,
but you are still making *lots* of strings.

Personally I also wouldn't go near the .Synchronized options... I'd just:

lock(hList) {

etc; this way you know the duration of the lock, so you can safely do
multiple steps as an atomic unit:
lock(hList) {
if(!hList.Contains(id)) {
hList.Add(id,id); // value is dummy

Note also that (assuming ID is an integer) this will involve boxing; if you
can, I would suggest moving to 2.0 and using a Dictionary<int,int>.



Thanks Jon. Actually, I used either arraylist and hashtable in my
applications, but now I think it may be less efficient especially if my list
is small.

I am wrong on string sample, should be like

sList = sList.Replace(id,"");

sList += id;

sList.Indexob(id) > 0 (should I lock here?)

My feeling is that for a short list, efficiency will be

string > ArrayList > Hashtable

but I am not sure.

What do you think?




Thanks Marc. My ids are strings. For long list, I agree, but if it is only
3-5 ids one time (maybe 100 chars total at most), do you think string
approach is better? How about stringbuffer? would that be better?
Yes, my studio is still for 1.1 .NET :-(

Marc Gravell

No, I don't think that strings are a good solution here.

Yes, for very short sets, lists can be quicker.
If you are worried about different performance at different scales, then
look at HybridDictionary; this wee beastie starts life using a list
implementation, and if the list gets to the pivot point it switches to a

Best of both. But personally I still prefer to keep things simple and use a
Dictionary<,>; generally, if I am worried about performance, it is when the
list gets too *big*, not too small.



Here is my problem Marc.

My list is small, but I may have many objects (hundreds), and each one will
hold a list like this. Hastable and ArrayList are complex data structure (I
think), which will require more resource regardless how small your list is.
That is why I start to think about string or stringbuffer, which I assume
less in term of resource and little or no difference interm of performance on
manipulation. For a short list, I am wondering whether it will be an overkill
to use ArrayList or Hashtable, especially that I may have hundreds of the
objects which hold this list structure.

What do you think?



Marc Gravell

I think "hundreds" is barely worth worrying about given modern PCs; and no,
I don't advocate lazy memoery swamping code, but there is a middle ground.
Developer time is more expensive than the memory you are using, and doing
things a convoluted way is going to make it harder to develop, test,
support, migrate, etc...

Now, if that was hundreds of /thousands/ of object... then maybe... but even
then "keep it simple" is worth a lot. Plus I'd probably mention words like

In short, I wouldn't hesitate to start with the list/hashtable whatever
implementation, and then optimise it *if* profiling shows it to be an issue.
I doubt it would.



Christof Nordiek

But, if you often change the list, you will allways copy the whole list and
you will create many new instances of string.
The overhead of ArrayList is mainly in the storage, the acces should be
almost as fast as your string solution. The adding and removing will be much
This could have only advantages, if the lists are static most the time and
occupie the most part of the memory your application uses.
In any case, i would recommend your string-solution only, if the application
really has performance problems and this way its remarkably better.

Samuel R. Neff

First, ArrayList and Hashtable are two very different types of
collections. You shouldn't be choosing between the two in terms of
performance but rather functionality. Do you need to keep a list of
items which you'll refer to by index and just loop through or do you
need a dictionary of items so you can look up some value by a custom
key? The answer to that will determine if you an ArrayList or
Hashtable (or a variant of each).

Also there's a big difference between complex functionality and
complex data storage (memory usage).

ArrayList may be more complicated than a simple array and it provides
a lot more functionality, but the memory overhead is only two
additional ints and two object references (extra object reference for
the array itself, extra object for the syncroot, an int for the size,
and an int for the internal version). So the extra memory overhead is
very minor compared to the actual contents of an array (normally at
least). If you're ever going to be adding/removing elements from the
array, then definitely want to use arraylist.

However, if once the array items are created the array is static, then
you can use ToArray to convert it to a standard array and store a
regular typed array. We use this approach a lot with public
properties and return variables--we don't want to return ArrayLists
because they don't provide type, so we use ArrayLists internal to a
method to generate a list and then convert to an ArrayList (which has
a copy overhead of course).

Hashtable is a lot more complicated in both functionality and data
storage. It uses 4 int variables and six object references. If each
Hashtable only stores a small number of items, it's a lot of overhead.
If each hashtable has many items, then the overhead is meaninglist.

If you truely have a lot of dictionaries with only a few items in
each, then look at ListDictionary. It uses only two ints and two
object references for it's data storage and provides a very fast
implementation for a dictionary as long as the data set is small. We
have a calculation engine that performs calculations on a dynamic
hierarchy of data for reporting. We typically load about 300,000
ListDictionary instances with 3-5 objects and the whole process of
loading the data from a DataReader into the dictionaries and then
running the required calculations is under 30ms (compared to 1-2
seconds for running the sql and 10-40 seconds for the 3rd party
reporting engine to generate the reports).



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