Editing then saving an existing database - Need help



I recently got MS Access 2003 per your recommendations a few weeks ago
so that I can edit and save a previous .mdb database file.

Now I need some help doing something relatively simple (I hope) so that
I don't screw up this file.

Since our webmaster and database person is no longer available, I am
forced to turn to you wise Access know it alls :), since I don't know
nothing about Access and also now I am facing a time crunch.

When I first open my .mdb file I am seeing this:


1) I see only 2 table options to pick from, C is for Customer and P for
product. I am basically trying to add new product items to our database
for the website. When orders are logged it references the database

So at this point I click the P table.


2) P table is opened up and there's a listing of items and its
correlating prices and item # and name.

Here I basically need to add 2 more items (pd_id). So I need to add two
more rows. This is easy to do in Excel (except I can't save it).

My understanding is to add a new row I go to Insert/New Record,

But when I do this, as you can see from the image above, it takes me to
the row "Auto Number" At this point I don't know what to do as I am
afraid of damaging this database file.

One final request for help. After I do edit this, how do I save this
without problems? I noticed when I go to save as (with this window
open) it asks me to save this table and there's varying options, is
there an easier way to save the entire database as it was written

Thank you very much in advance,


vash said:
I recently got MS Access 2003 per your recommendations a few weeks
ago so that I can edit and save a previous .mdb database file.

Now I need some help doing something relatively simple (I hope) so
that I don't screw up this file.

Since our webmaster and database person is no longer available, I am
forced to turn to you wise Access know it alls :), since I don't know
nothing about Access and also now I am facing a time crunch.

When I first open my .mdb file I am seeing this:


1) I see only 2 table options to pick from, C is for Customer and P
for product. I am basically trying to add new product items to our
database for the website. When orders are logged it references the
database information.

So at this point I click the P table.


2) P table is opened up and there's a listing of items and its
correlating prices and item # and name.

Here I basically need to add 2 more items (pd_id). So I need to add
two more rows. This is easy to do in Excel (except I can't save it).

My understanding is to add a new row I go to Insert/New Record,

But when I do this, as you can see from the image above, it takes me
to the row "Auto Number" At this point I don't know what to do as I
am afraid of damaging this database file.

One final request for help. After I do edit this, how do I save this
without problems? I noticed when I go to save as (with this window
open) it asks me to save this table and there's varying options, is
there an easier way to save the entire database as it was written

Thank you very much in advance,

You appear to have an autonumber field in your table. This is to say
that Access/Jet will create the pd_id when you start entering
information in the the other fields. You should be able to enter
information in the pd_item, pd_name and pd_price fields, by placing
the cursor within the field, and entering the information. To move
between records, you can also use the record navigation buttons which
are located at the bottom of the table datasheet view.

(Note that such autonumber does not mean that you will get incremental
numbers, there might be gaps, for instance if you cancel a
registration, then the number will "be used", and the next number will
be assigned for the next record. Also, since the Autonumber is assigned
by Access, you are not allowed to close those gaps - but then, it's
only meant to be a unique number.)

Saving - Access will save the record once you move to another record
or close the table. You will see a "pencil" in the record selector
(the grey box at the left of the record) when entering new information
to a record, indicating there are unsaved changes to the record (you
can explicitly save the record by clicking that record selector while
it displays the "pencil"). This will change to the symbol which is
presently in that box at the first record in your picture of the table,
when the record is saved.

The SaveAs is only for desing changes (for instance if you alter a
fields datatype from text to Date/Time) and you shouldn't need doing
any of such.

kingston via AccessMonster.com

AutoNumber is probably nothing to be afraid of. It is just the way the table
is set up; every record gets a unique identification number that is
determined by the database. So if you enter a new product, the database will
assign it pd_id 28. The next product would be 29, then 30, and so on. BTW,
you can't change the number so you won't "damage" the record.

The save option for the table is really a save as... option. The data is
automatically saved in the table when you exit the record (the icon to the
left of the record is a pencil when you are making changes or adding data).
Once you move to another record or close the table, the data is saved. You
don't need to do anything else. HTH

kingston via AccessMonster.com

I forgot - If you want to save the entire database, just make a copy of the
file in Windows.

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP

It appears you need some practice. Access can be scary when you are dealing
with a database that is in use. Why don't you create a new database and play
with tables for awhile so you feel more comfortable? That way you won't mess
up anything important.

About your questions... You don't enter anything in the field that says
AutoNumber. Access will fill it in for you.

Saving a record (row) is as easy as entering the data and closing the table
or moving to another record.

Save As is for saving the table structure/form or other object, not a

I hope this gives you a bit more courage.


Thank you very much for the help everyone. I will be working on this
aspect again most likely over the weekend. Hopefully with the advice
you all have given, it should be fairly easy to get to grips with.

Thank you again.

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