Editing Tables




I have a database that we use to build some tables each week. There are a
bunch of people who use this database.

Here is the issue - I dont know a lot about acess but I noticed that if I
open one of the tables and then erase a field it does not prompt me to save
the table when I close it. This caused an inadvertant table change.

Question - is it possible to "protect" the table so that no one can open it
up and edit it.

Thanks for your help.


The first problem is that somewhere along the line, Set Warnings has been
turned off either in code or a macro. You need to find where this is
happening and turn Set Warnings back on after the action is complete. Often
this happens during an append, delete, or update query or an import of data.

Next to actually lock down things right, you need to implement user level
security. Then you can protect the tables. It will take a lot of work though.

Also you could split the database between the FE and BE. The Front End has
all the forms, reports, queries. The Back End just holds tables. You could
password protect the BE and the normal users then could not get in there and
drop tables or columns/fields. They still could mess with the data though.

That you are creating tables weekly leads me to suspect that the database
might not be used correctly.

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