Editable DataGrid with DropDownList Question




I am developing with VS.Net 2003 on the asp 1.1 platform.

I am a few days new to using a datagrid. I found a nice tutorial and had no
problems using an editable datagrid with textboxes and an additional
buttoncolumn where I used a delete button to delete a specific row.

Once I had finished that, I trnsformed the grid tso it will display a
dropdownlist indtead of a textbox. After much grappling, I pretty much have
it working except for one detail. Now, the delete function will not work

Following is the declaration of the grid in the .aspx page:

<asp:datagrid id=DGR_List runat="server" cellpadding="3"
oneditcommand="DGR_List_Edit" oncancelcommand="DGR_List_Cancel"
onupdatecommand="DGR_List_Update" onitemcommand="DGR_List_Command"
onitemdatabound="DGR_List_ItemDataBound" autogeneratecolumns="false">

<edititemstyle forecolor="Maroon"></EditItemStyle>

<alternatingitemstyle backcolor="#B8C6D4"></AlternatingItemStyle>

<headerstyle font-bold="True" forecolor="White"


<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Accounts">


<asp:label id=Label4 runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Account") %>'><!--use container because
the DGR is bound to the conatiner--></asp:label>



<!--this is a different data source...not what the dgr is bound

<asp:dropdownlist onselectedindexchanged="Change_Cust_TB"
id=DropDownList1 runat="server"
DataSource="<%#bizObj.Get_IB_Accounts(IB_Acct)%>" DataTextField="Account"
DataValueField="Account" Width="100px" autopostback="True">



<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Value" ReadOnly="True"

<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Unit" ReadOnly="True"

<asp:EditCommandColumn ButtonType="LinkButton" UpdateText="Update"
HeaderText="Edit Acct" CancelText="Cancel" EditText="Edit">

<headerstyle wrap="False"></HeaderStyle>

<itemstyle wrap="False"></ItemStyle>


<asp:ButtonColumn Text="Delete" HeaderText="Delete Acct"

<headerstyle wrap="False"></HeaderStyle>

<itemstyle wrap="False"></ItemStyle>




When the Delete button is clicked, the onitemcommand event fires and
DGR_List_Command is called:

public void DGR_List_Command(Object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)




case "Delete":




//do nothing




And the function calls Delete_Acct(e):

public void Delete_Acct(DataGridCommandEventArgs e)


// e.Item is the table row where the command is raised. For bound

// columns, the value is stored in the Text property of a TableCell.

TableCell itemCell = e.Item.Cells[0];

string strCurrentAcct= itemCell.Text;

//call my own function to dlete item in first cell

bizObj.Delete_Acct(strListName, strCurrentAcct);

//do some more stuff and reload grid


Hi Frank,

Only when handling boundcolumn, TableCell.Text is used to retrieve data. To
handle TemplateColumn, specified control need to be used, e.g.

Label lbl = e.Item.FindControl("Label4") as Label;
string Accounts = lbl.Text;


Elton Wang

Frank said:

I am developing with VS.Net 2003 on the asp 1.1 platform.

I am a few days new to using a datagrid. I found a nice tutorial and had no
problems using an editable datagrid with textboxes and an additional
buttoncolumn where I used a delete button to delete a specific row.

Once I had finished that, I trnsformed the grid tso it will display a
dropdownlist indtead of a textbox. After much grappling, I pretty much have
it working except for one detail. Now, the delete function will not work

Following is the declaration of the grid in the .aspx page:

<asp:datagrid id=DGR_List runat="server" cellpadding="3"
oneditcommand="DGR_List_Edit" oncancelcommand="DGR_List_Cancel"
onupdatecommand="DGR_List_Update" onitemcommand="DGR_List_Command"
onitemdatabound="DGR_List_ItemDataBound" autogeneratecolumns="false">

<edititemstyle forecolor="Maroon"></EditItemStyle>

<alternatingitemstyle backcolor="#B8C6D4"></AlternatingItemStyle>

<headerstyle font-bold="True" forecolor="White"


<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Accounts">


<asp:label id=Label4 runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Account") %>'><!--use container because
the DGR is bound to the conatiner--></asp:label>



<!--this is a different data source...not what the dgr is bound

<asp:dropdownlist onselectedindexchanged="Change_Cust_TB"
id=DropDownList1 runat="server"
DataSource="<%#bizObj.Get_IB_Accounts(IB_Acct)%>" DataTextField="Account"
DataValueField="Account" Width="100px" autopostback="True">



<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Value" ReadOnly="True"

<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Unit" ReadOnly="True"

<asp:EditCommandColumn ButtonType="LinkButton" UpdateText="Update"
HeaderText="Edit Acct" CancelText="Cancel" EditText="Edit">

<headerstyle wrap="False"></HeaderStyle>

<itemstyle wrap="False"></ItemStyle>


<asp:ButtonColumn Text="Delete" HeaderText="Delete Acct"

<headerstyle wrap="False"></HeaderStyle>

<itemstyle wrap="False"></ItemStyle>




When the Delete button is clicked, the onitemcommand event fires and
DGR_List_Command is called:

public void DGR_List_Command(Object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)




case "Delete":




//do nothing




And the function calls Delete_Acct(e):

public void Delete_Acct(DataGridCommandEventArgs e)


// e.Item is the table row where the command is raised. For bound

// columns, the value is stored in the Text property of a TableCell.

TableCell itemCell = e.Item.Cells[0];

string strCurrentAcct= itemCell.Text;

//call my own function to dlete item in first cell

bizObj.Delete_Acct(strListName, strCurrentAcct);

//do some more stuff and reload grid






This code worked fine until I added the dropdownlist. Now, in the
Delete_Acct function, I cannot get a value from the first cell, which is
where the droplist is.

I can get values into the variable strCiurrentAcct if I change TableCell
itemCell = e.Item.Cells[0];

to TableCell itemCell = e.Item.Cells[1];

or TableCell itemCell = e.Item.Cells[2];

these cells contain no text boxes nor droplists.

I tried doing a

if(e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem)


// get value


but the this code doesn't get hit when I debug. The e.Item.ItemType is
recognised as a TableRow

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


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