Edit Links Dialoge Box




I have a WB1 that is linked(via lots of formulas) to WB2........

I did unchek AskTo Update Links in the WB1 to avoid being asked to edit
Links , I also within the Edit link dialoge box i checked Donot ask to
update linke and update links..............

my problem is: even did what i discribed above i still receive Edit
Link dialoge box when opening WB1...i confirmed that all the links are

i do not want to receive this dialoge box each time i open WB1

Thank u 4 your help

Tom Ogilvy

You should only get the edit links dialog box if the file you are linked to
is not found. The options you describe have to do with the prompt to update
links. So they would not affect this situation unless you selected not to
update links (I assume that would negate the edit links statement if the
file is not found, but haven't tested it).

Jim Rech

I also within the Edit link dialoge box i checked Donot ask to
update linke and update links

After making this selection you have to save the workbook. Note that if you
open this workbook in Excel 2000 this setting is not observed because it is
an Excel 2002 and later feature only.

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
| Hi
| I have a WB1 that is linked(via lots of formulas) to WB2........
| I did unchek AskTo Update Links in the WB1 to avoid being asked to edit
| Links , I also within the Edit link dialoge box i checked Donot ask to
| update linke and update links..............
| my problem is: even did what i discribed above i still receive Edit
| Link dialoge box when opening WB1...i confirmed that all the links are
| correct.....
| i do not want to receive this dialoge box each time i open WB1
| Thank u 4 your help
| yours
| h
| --
| helmekki
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| helmekki's Profile:
| View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?threadid=270779

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