Edit Data On A Report?



I've got a client that I've created an Access database for. He uses it
to keep track of all of his stock.

One of the reports lists all of his stock and for each item it shows a
description, buy price, sell price and margin. The report uses grouping
to group stock items into categories, and sub-totals for each category.
My client likes this report because it allows him to compare stock
items and see which items he has to adjust the sell price of so that
margins are consistant.

My client rang me up today and asked if it was possible for him to edit
the data (i.e. the sell price) directly on the report while he's
viewing the report on the screen. Of course I said no, you can't edit
the data on a report. So now he has asked if there's any other way
that would allow him to edit the data easily without having to go to
the stock maintenance form and bringing up each record he wants to
modify. His argument is that if he's looking at the data on the report
then why can't he change it straight away?

My first thought was a command button on the report next to each stock
item that when clicked on would open a form with that stock item's
data. But I've found that this isn't possible.

I've thought of making a form that uses a datasheet view so that it
looks a bit like the report. This would allow him to edit the data in
place but it wouldn't look identical to the report (i.e. you can't have
grouping and sub-totals, etc on a datasheet form, can you?).

Can anyone think of a way that would allow me to present the data so it
looks like a report but still let the user quickly edit any of the data?


yep. - send it to Word. there is a W icon at the top of the report....that
auto sends it to Word and then they can edit to their hearts content....


Sending it to Word is no good, he wants the changes he makes to the
data to be saved back into the database!


then it can not be a Report object. Report is output only....

take the look & feel into a Form....

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