Easy installation of .NET 2.0


Olaf Baeyens

Making users install the .NET framework v1.1 to run my.NET program was hard
to do, so I ended up rewriting the program in none-NET code because no one
wanted to install it. One of the problems was that the setup pointe to a
..NET install URL but somehow Microsoft changed it and the users ended up on
a .NET download area that contained a whole bunch of .NET downloads, for
every OS and version so they gave up even before they started.

Right now I am still trying to convince the user to install the .NET using
the windows update but I alwasy end up with a personal step by step coaching
to make them do it. Some of them have no clue that Windows update even
exist. But once they have it installed it, and use my program the they are
happy about it.

So I am wondering if that changed in the VS2005?
I know that this one-click exist but I have seen a beta test of VS2005 and
it refused to install correctly. This not very reassuring.

Also when is the .NET framework 2.0 going to be available for the users? 7
October too?

Olaf Baeyens

This link is what I mean:


People end up there, because they are redirected, but this is too much for a
simple users that only understands to click on a icon to start a program.

One solution might be that Microsoft could change the web site so that it
becomes a wizard users have to go through helping them to install the .NET
framework. Maybe using an ActiveX to detect which one has been installed
like the winwdows updat ActiveX does.

Martin Robins

Visual studio 2005 has additional setup options that allow you to distribute
all pre-requisites with your setup kit, thus ensuring a single installation.
You will need to distribute on CD though as a web download could be nasty!

Pre-requisites include .NET framework, SQL Server (express edition), MDAC
components ...

As for the release, I am going to the UK launch in Birmingham on November
8th; but the USA launch is a day earlier.

Olaf Baeyens

Visual studio 2005 has additional setup options that allow you to
all pre-requisites with your setup kit, thus ensuring a single installation.
You will need to distribute on CD though as a web download could be nasty!

Pre-requisites include .NET framework, SQL Server (express edition), MDAC
components ...
This would help a lot.

And now my second question, can this be installed without administrator
Because many administrators, especially in the medical area's have a big
scare to install the .NET framwork too as far as I heard.
This is very odd since .NET programs just add more secure features and .NET
programs are harder to misuse the system so I believe that these
administrators are afraid of the big unknown.

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