Easiest way to programatically determine if a PDF is encrypted?


Brian Parker

I'm reading PDF files in C#. I read them in using a TextReader then I parse out the pieces I want
like the CreationDate, Author, etc.

Sometimes, the PDF file is encrypted and I get binary junk in my parsed strings.

Is there a real simple way to determine that a PDF file is using encryption besides checking if the
individual pieces of data have binary junk in them?


Simon Dahlbacka

Brian said:
I'm reading PDF files in C#. I read them in using a TextReader then I parse out the pieces I want
like the CreationDate, Author, etc.

Sometimes, the PDF file is encrypted and I get binary junk in my parsed strings.

Is there a real simple way to determine that a PDF file is using encryption besides checking if the
individual pieces of data have binary junk in them?


- use a pdf library with appropriate functionality


- read the PDF spec and figure out where to check for encryptedness


Bruno said:
In a recent blogpost Matt Stephens called iText
'one of Java's best-kept secrets':
Maybe iTextSharp is one of .NET's best-kept secrets.
There is no need to write a PDF library in .NET,
you can just use iTextSharp (it's free!)


iTextSharp doesn't sound entirely appropriate for his needs. He's not
trying to build PDFs, he's trying to glean information about them. I
know iText has some primitives that read through PDF internals but
they're a bear to use.


rpresser said:

iTextSharp doesn't sound entirely appropriate for his needs. He's not
trying to build PDFs, he's trying to glean information about them. I
know iText has some primitives that read through PDF internals but
they're a bear to use.

I know, you need a degree in rocket science to know
how to invoke the method PdfReader.isEncrypted() ;-)


bruno said:
I know, you need a degree in rocket science to know
how to invoke the method PdfReader.isEncrypted() ;-)

D'oh! Yet another thrilling instance of Ross Is Wrong! :-/


Tim Wallace

Go to the Adobe site and download the spec for PDF. The file is really just
a bunch of markup. There is an element that gets set to indicate usage of
encryption (I forget, as it's been a while since I was coding for PDFs).


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