E-Mailing macro font options


G and (ajk)

I am using a macro to send e-mails through Excel. If for example, I want one
word or the whole line to be bold in the e-mail, how would I do this?

Thanks in advance.

Ron de Bruin


If you want to create emails that are formatted you can use HTMLBody (Office 2000 and up) instead of Body.
You can find a lot of WebPages on the internet with more HTML tags examples.

<B> = bold

strbody = "<H3><B>Dear Customer</B></H3>" & _
"Please visit this website to download the new version.<br>" & _
"Let me know if you have problems.<br>" & _
"<A HREF=""http://www.rondebruin.nl/"">Ron's Excel Page</A>" & _
"<br><br><B>Thank you</B>"

Use .HTMLBody = strbody then instead of .Body = strbody

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