E-mail "To" list display options



BACKGROUND: When I send an email from a Web service site (e.g., Shutterfly)
to a large list of mail recipients, the site's email program automatically
configures the "To" list such that each individual mail recipient sees only
his/her email alias/address and NOT the email aliases/addresses of any of the
other recipients. [The others' email aliases/addresses are not

QUESTION: Is there an analogous option in MS Outlook Mail that allows a
sender to configure the list of email addresses in the the "To" field of a
message so that each recipient sees only his/her respective email address in
the "To" field and the email aliases/ddresses of all other recipients are not

[This, of course, is different than putting one email address (e.g., one's
own) in the "To" field and all the other recipients' email aliases/addresses
in the "Bcc" field. {With this technique, all mail recipients see the email
alias/address of the one input in the "To" field rather than their own
respective email alias/address.]

Thanks for any insights

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