E-mail or website????????



Due to my lack of Excel knowledge and terminology. Sometimes my questions are
too long or don't make any since. Does anyone have an e-mail or web page i
could send some worksheet samples to for better understanding what i might
need help with????

David Biddulph

You could google for Excel consultancy, and compare the credentials and the
consultancy fees of those offering their services, but the newsgroups are
the place to come if you want free advice. If you are concerned about your
current lack of experience, you may prefer to ask your questions in
at first. You can, if you wish,
continue to read the other groups to build up your knowledge until you feel
confident to dip your toe into the pool.

If you do need to upload a file with examples of your problem, there are
filehosting sites that let you do that, but many readers of the newsgroups
will be reluctant to download files from untrusted sources.

Jon Peltier

Before asking a question, you should try Googling for information.
Admittedly this is difficult when you are totally unfamiliar with a subject,
but if you start with general keywords, you'll soon get a feel for other

Then don't even think about sending a workbook anywhere. People will answer
questions that are clearly written, but if your question is poorly written,
nobody will want to touch your workbook. There may be several right ways to
do things, but there are ten times more ways to do things wrong, and it's a
lot of work to try to wade through it in an effort to help someone. If your
question is well written and someone wants more details, they may ask you
for the workbook.

Think through what you are trying to do, ask your question, and read it. If
it doesn't make sense when you try to read it, neither will it make sense
when we try to read it. The advantages of clearly framing your question are
manifold: first, you may just figure it out yourself. Second, others are
more likely to respond. Third, responses are more likely to be relevant.

You should be thinking 'pull', not 'push'. Instead of pushing your
nonworking workbook out there hoping for the best, you should be trying to
pull in information. There are loads of tutorials and explanatory web sites
where you can find information, and Google can help you find them.

- Jon

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