e-mail from textbox and datagrid controls.



Hi all,

I currently have a task that calls to send an e-mail from a textbox, and
a field of a datagrid. When I send it from the multiline textbox, I notice
the text is sent as a single line, even though I try to send it to include
new line breaks. Is there any way to make the text in my e-mail to follow
the format of the textbox ?

The other question is what is the best way to display the e-mail addresses
in a datagrid column, and this addresses being aable to have a hyperlink
to connect to the user's e-mail client, so that an e-mail can be created and
sent to the value displayed in the column...

Thanks in advance,



Since this is a one way databind, you would definately use a templated
field by specifying <a href="mailto:<%# DataBinder... %>></a>, or do
the same with the LinkButton or even HyperLink controls. Just make
sure it has mailto: infront...

You may want to check to see if you are sending the email as text or
HTML. You will want to explicitly state what you want.

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