e-mail access 2003



Can somebody be of some assistance. I have created a form and have set up a
field called e-mail bizz, with an e-mail address entry. Also created a
command button mailto: which opens outlook. However when I click on the
button the To field is blank while I would like to have the e-mail address
from the field included. Also would it be possible to log this e-mail to a
tabel dbcall, in this tabel I have created fieldnames like clientlID , date,
time, subject and text body. Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,


Take a look at
it will provide you with the basci code for automating outlook. You could
also simply use the SendObject Method (Look it up in the help for
explanations and an example) and set the edit to true so you can then edit
the body. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve. Automating
Outlook is more complexe and should be avoided if not necessary.

As for logging your messages. You simply need to linkyour form to a table.
Set it up in data entry mode so when a user go to it they always get a blank
form to enter but it will be storing the info everytime they make an entry.
Then as the admin you have a duplicate form that isn't set in data entry mode
so you can review all the entries. hope that makes sense!



Thanks for you reply Although I by far not an expert Yet I reaaly enjoy
getting better and improve my capabilitie. I have run the link and executed
the instruction however I get an error message Syntax error when running the
VBA on

..........End If
End If
When delting the ............... end if I get a next syntax error with this

MsgBox "You clicked No to the Outlook security warning. " & _
"Rerun the procedure and click Yes to access e-mail" & _
"addresses to send your message. For more information, & _
"see the document at http://www.microsoft.com/office" & _
"/previous/outlook/downloads/security.asp. " "
Msgbox Err.Number, Err.Description
End If
End Sub

and some other messages at the end i get the mentioned outlook dialog box if
Iwant to allow access after clicking yes i get the outlook e-mail to Nacy
Davolio, .

I wonder what is going wrong. Furthermore I don't see the reference to the
entry of the field email bizz

Kind Regards,


I would like to save it into a call tabel. However I'am not that far yet.

Kind Regards,

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