Dynamicly generated controls not firing their events



In a page, I dynamicly generate a table in which there are ImageButtons...
When the table is first loaded, it's fine, but as soon as the table is
modified, the events are not fired until the next postback...

As an exemple, I first load the page, I click on an image which add a line
to the table (with the requiered image buttons). Because the table is all
redrawn, all the table is rebuilt on each postback (no matter if it was
modified or not) so everything should work fine, but now the new line is
added but the imagebuttons does not fire their events anymore (all of them,
not only those from the added line) until I click one of them and cause a
postback... after a (second) postback (one more thant the one needed to
generate the new line), everything is back to normal...

Does anyone have any clue on what it could be? would you need some code




Problem solved... setting an ID for each ImageButton solved the problem
(dah!!)... ;)

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