dynamic crosstab report and page numbering



I have set up a dynamic crosstab report, as described in Q328320.
This works, until I add page numbering (="Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages])
Then the report displays but the dynamically created crosstab columns are
all duplicated - instead of x records I get the same record x times.
In fact it is [Pages] that causes the problem ="Page " & [Page] works.
I tried to paste the report as a subreport to another blank report, so I
could page number the main report, but I get the error
"You can't use a pass through query or a non-fixed-column crosstab query as
a record source for a sub-form or report", even though I am not trying to
link the main and sub reports. (Link master fields and link child fields are
As a workaround I tried to do the page numbering programatically, but all
the resources I've found say to get the total pages by using [Pages], which I
The really annoying thing is that I'm sure I had this working last week...

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