Dynamic code compilation and serialization




I'm working on a system that manages manufacturer data. From time to
time, we send information to a manufacturer. The method can vary widely.
What I'm attempting is to add two fields to the manufacturer's database
record. The first field is NotificationCode. The second is
NotificationAssemblyCache. Custom C# code can be written and put in the
first field. When it comes time to send a notification, the system will
compile the code into an assembly and execute the custom notification method.
I also want to serialize the in-memory compiled assembly to the
NotificationAssemblyCache field. So far, everything works great. I can
retrieve, compile, execute, and serialize the custom code. The problem is
that I can't seem to deserialize the assembly. Here's a snippet of my code
(it serializes to a file in this example):

BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream saveStream = new FileStream("c:\\assembly.bin", FileMode.Create);
binaryFormatter.Serialize(saveStream, assembly);

BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream loadStream = new FileStream("c:\\assembly.bin", FileMode.Open);
Assembly assembly = (Assembly)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(loadStream);

I get the following error on the third line of the deserialization snippet:

Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException:
Insufficient state to deserialize the object. More information is needed.

Does anyone know how to prevent this error?


Otis Mukinfus


I'm working on a system that manages manufacturer data. From time to
time, we send information to a manufacturer. The method can vary widely.
What I'm attempting is to add two fields to the manufacturer's database
record. The first field is NotificationCode. The second is
NotificationAssemblyCache. Custom C# code can be written and put in the
first field. When it comes time to send a notification, the system will
compile the code into an assembly and execute the custom notification method.
I also want to serialize the in-memory compiled assembly to the
NotificationAssemblyCache field. So far, everything works great. I can
retrieve, compile, execute, and serialize the custom code. The problem is
that I can't seem to deserialize the assembly. Here's a snippet of my code
(it serializes to a file in this example):

BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream saveStream = new FileStream("c:\\assembly.bin", FileMode.Create);
binaryFormatter.Serialize(saveStream, assembly);

BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream loadStream = new FileStream("c:\\assembly.bin", FileMode.Open);
Assembly assembly = (Assembly)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(loadStream);

I get the following error on the third line of the deserialization snippet:

Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException:
Insufficient state to deserialize the object. More information is needed.

Does anyone know how to prevent this error?



This answer is a 100% WAG, but in your code, do you have any
"[NonSerialized]" attributes assigned to code elements that would be
required to reconstruct the object(s) you are serializing?

Otis Mukinfus

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