"DVD regional settings HELP"



Borrowed some vidios that come from USA and now l cant play DVD,s from Australia as this is where l live lm not very happy,looked up the problem in help to find that once settings have been changed 6 times your permantly stuck with the last regional setting that you used.Someone please tell me it isn,t true,if it is l will be looking for blood and extreemly angry to boot.

Steve C. Ray

This is true. Try a Google search about this.

Steve C. Ray

rick said:
Borrowed some vidios that come from USA and now l cant play DVD,s from
Australia as this is where l live lm not very happy,looked up the problem in
help to find that once settings have been changed 6 times your permantly
stuck with the last regional setting that you used.Someone please tell me it
isn,t true,if it is l will be looking for blood and extreemly angry to boot.

Jason Haynes

Uninstalling and then reinstalling your DVD player software might reset the
region count.

rick said:
Borrowed some vidios that come from USA and now l cant play DVD,s from
Australia as this is where l live lm not very happy,looked up the problem in
help to find that once settings have been changed 6 times your permantly
stuck with the last regional setting that you used.Someone please tell me it
isn,t true,if it is l will be looking for blood and extreemly angry to boot.


Bought a nice little DVD player a couple of weeks ago in Melb. for $AU85,
which plays all regions, + MP3s, audio CDs & MPEGs.
Only costs as much as a couple of DVDs and handy for copying "other region"
DVDs to VCR for friends.

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