DVD from microsoft not loading. Why?



Just got the DVD directly in the mail from microsoft. I want to install vista.

On my home built machine with an asrock 939MB and a a opteron 939 I got this

This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system
that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification.

Tried it on my dell and it autoladed without a problem. Can't figure out
what this message means. Please help with this one.


Are you trying to perform an update from Win XP
by running the setup program? If so, that's why
you get the error. The DVD is formatted in UDF.
That's the standard for DVDs and Win XP does
not have native support for UDF.

Boot from the DVD and you won't get that error.
But you're advised to install Vista on a
separate partition or hard drive. You may
encounter problems with your Win XP, especially
if you install to a partition on the same hard
drive as XP. The safest thing to do is to
disable you Win XP hard drive when you install
Vista and put Vista on a separate hard drive. If
you "update" XP, make sure you have a full back
of your Win XP system that you can use to
restore your XP to the state it was. You will
have to completely clean the hard drive to
replace Vista!

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