DVD dead + questions


John McGaw

Joel said:
Do we have SATA DVD burner these days? I know we have SATA hard drive and
I have 2 but don't pay any attention to the DVD burner.

Yeah. I have them in two different systems. The latest was an 20X ASUS
with LightScribe which cost all of $31 at NewEgg. Dealing with SATA is
ever so much neater that PATA if you have the ports available.


John McGaw said:
Yeah. I have them in two different systems. The latest was an 20X ASUS
with LightScribe which cost all of $31 at NewEgg. Dealing with SATA is
ever so much neater that PATA if you have the ports available.

I guess I am falling behind much faster than I would image. yeays ago, I
usually try to be ahead of the game, but now I am getting a little too old
to keep up with all the changes.

Yes, when I bought my first SATA about little over 2 years ago, and I have
to spend about 2 weeks reading some info to make sure I ain't too far off.
And by that time I already seeing something about SATA II, and few other
similar to SATA (PATA, ESATA whatever I can't remember them all). And the
Video card too .. I am still using the same old G..something I can't
remember the name at the moment <bg>


Joel said:
I guess I am falling behind much faster than I would image. yeays ago, I
usually try to be ahead of the game, but now I am getting a little too old
to keep up with all the changes.

Yes, when I bought my first SATA about little over 2 years ago, and I have
to spend about 2 weeks reading some info to make sure I ain't too far off.
And by that time I already seeing something about SATA II, and few other
similar to SATA (PATA, ESATA whatever I can't remember them all). And the
Video card too .. I am still using the same old G..something I can't
remember the name at the moment <bg>

But if it all works and does what you need, then no problem! Only, it
clearly doesn't (MOHAA), hence this thread!


But if it all works and does what you need, then no problem! Only, it
clearly doesn't (MOHAA), hence this thread!

Everything has been working fine for the past many years, and that's why I
am a little behind. Or if something go wrong then I may do some research
and learn more about the newer technology, but it's sad that technology has
been getting better, and cheaper so they work better, and cheap enough to
throw away the old one to replace with better one <bg>


James said:
So I guess the simplet thing would be to buy a new one ? (not sure if they
are fixable ?)

When buying one what I am looking for, I have no idea of the type of drive
it is IDE or scuzi?? how to do you tell they apart.

Other than that I guess you just disconnect the power feed, and the ribbon
cable. align new one, usually with screws ? power feed back on, ribbon back
on and install drivers ?

Any advice on all this as not tinkered around with a desktop in a while.

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