Duplicating record for each employee




I am trying to create a form that I can enter and then duplicate for
multiple employees. Each record will be a little bit different in the end.
What i want to do is I have a filtered employee list based on location, I
would like to just put acheckbox next to each name in the table and if the
box is checked then the record will be duplicated for that employee....

Not sure how to do this, any recomendations would be great!!



John W. Vinson


I am trying to create a form that I can enter and then duplicate for
multiple employees. Each record will be a little bit different in the end.
What i want to do is I have a filtered employee list based on location, I
would like to just put acheckbox next to each name in the table and if the
box is checked then the record will be duplicated for that employee....

Not sure how to do this, any recomendations would be great!!



Storing the same data repeatedly is probably A Very Bad Idea. The whole point
of a relational database is to avoid redundancy, thereby avoiding redundancy!

What's the structure and relationships of your tables? What information are
you trying to duplicate, and why?


I have a training session attendance record that i would like to fill in once
then post to each employee that attended. I would like to have the system
post it based on a checkbox beside the employee name in a subform. The thing
is is that each record will be different when they are closed out after a
training review is completed...so the records in the end are not all the
same...intitailly they are...

I would like to be able to use the duplicate record but insert a different
employee name into the record for each record created based on a checkbox
beside the name in a subform on the form. I do not need to duplicate the
subform though...


John W. Vinson

I have a training session attendance record that i would like to fill in once
then post to each employee that attended. I would like to have the system
post it based on a checkbox beside the employee name in a subform. The thing
is is that each record will be different when they are closed out after a
training review is completed...so the records in the end are not all the
same...intitailly they are...

I would like to be able to use the duplicate record but insert a different
employee name into the record for each record created based on a checkbox
beside the name in a subform on the form. I do not need to duplicate the
subform though...


What's the structure of your tables? If you have the employee *NAME* (or any
information about the employee other than their unique ID) in the training
table, your tables are not properly normalized.

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