duplicated in two worksheets with highlights



I have two worksheets with 18,000 rows of infor. I want to see the
duplications that exist in the two worksheets. On sheet 2 in col C, and in
col D is the formula:
=countif(sheet1!b2:b18000,c2)>0,"yes"," ") this brings back a yes in all
the rows with duplicates that exist on sheet 1. I also did the same formula
on sheet 1 so it will show me the duplicates also. Question: is there a way
to highlight the duplicates with different colors so when I look on sheet 2
and see a yes, I can look at sheet 1 and find that duplicate number easily by
the highlighted matching color.

Earl Kiosterud


Sort the table on column B. The duplicates will then be together,
vertically. You can use the same formula to identify them. Be careful if
you're not familiar with Excel sorts. DO NOT select only one column -- it
will gladly do the "Sort of Disaster."

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