Duplicate Records



I have a spreadsheet of addresses and names that was imported from two
sources...1)Outlook Contacts 2)Palm. The spreadsheet is currently mapped to
outlook fields. My problem is I now have duplicate records with differing
information in each. I want to be able to combine the records into one. Is
there an easy way of doing that? Maybe a macro?

David McRitchie

Hi Jamie,
I think this is a situation for doing things manually, since you have been
updating two independent sources. You may want to rework
your spreadsheet by sorting first on phone number, to put the duplicates
together, and check things, and then sort on lastname, firstname
and check things out.

I think the normal situation is that you have duplicate line items, and
will have to put things from one to other (outlook or palm) to combine
and correct information.

Chip Pearson has web pages on checking for duplicates but isn't
that the normal situation. Most use COUNTIF Worksheet Function

In order to write a macro you have to know exactly what you want to
do. A macro can easily delete rows, fill in missing data with information
from the row above or below with the same telephone nubmer, But deciding
what value to use when you have different possibilities is going to be
strictly up to you. You can probably do this manually faster for 1000
addresses one time than.

Tools that might help you, sorting on phone number and
using a macro to insert empty rows above a phone number
when the phone number above does not match. When you
sort again they will sort to the bottom and disappear, and you
can delete them as they will affect your lastcell position.

Insert Blank Rows on Column A change of value (#ColAchg)

You would have to modify to use whatever column you are checking for.

If you need assistance to install or to use a macro please refer to

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