Duplicate email



We get duplicate email on one workststion. If we get an
email using send/receive only one copy will appear in the

If we wait and let the email be delivered automatically,
we will end up will duplicates of each email.

Outlook 2000
Windows 2000
POP3 Server is external to our site.

No other workstations (even using the same email address
for retreival) get duplicates.

Any ideas?



It could also be a virus scanner like Mcafee is blocking
the attachment from coming in.
Try to check your e mail using webmail to ensure there are
no surprise attachments coming in.
There is a paradox in outlook if you use Mcafee Virus
When an infected file comes in the virus scanner catches
it, but it prevents all the emails behind the infected
from being completely delivered.
So you may either have to delete the message with
attachment on webmail or disable the virus scanner get
your email then enable your virus scanner and delete the
message with file attachment

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