DUN into NT Server problems


Mike Carter

I recently upgraded my PC at home from ME to XP pro. (dual boot using two
HDs). I frequently need to connect to the office network from home so use
RAS on our NT 4 server and DUN on the PC at home. Under ME I was able to
connect to the server, map network drives, logon to the exchange server for
email and browse the rest of the network (primarily a Workgroup of WinXX

However under XP I have not been able to browse the network (browsing
Workgroup only shows my own PC and there is no sign at all of the NT domain
name). I can find the server if I enter its name and do a search for
'computers or people', so I have been able to map drives this way. However
the only way I can see the other PCs is if I ping them but I can't find them
by name or connect to any of their resources.

The home PC is not configured to connect to a domain at start-up, but it's
workgroup name is the same as at the office. The office domain name is
included in the options tab of the Dial Up connection properties. Client for
Microsoft Networks is one of the items included under the Networking tab. On
the XP setup the only protocol running is TCP/IP with a server assigned IP
address. However, on the ME setup Netbeui is also being used for the dial-up
connection. Both protocols have permission on the server to access the
network.. The XP Internet Connection Firewall is disabled although I'm
running Zone Alarm (but this also runs under the ME setup).

There are no clues in either the local or server Event Logs. The Server
Event log shows the user (me!) logging on and being successfully

I've read that Netbeui is not supported under XP and even if manually
installed it can't be bound to the dial-up connection. I suspect I have a
name resolving issue and may need to configure the server with a WINS
service (and therefore presumably all the PCs to register with it!). However
I'd rather not do this if there is a simpler solution.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (apologies for the length of the post,
but I thought I'd provide as much detail as possible!).



Colin M. McGroarty [MVP]

One option: When you dial into your work server, join your PC to the
domain. Afterwards when you log into your PC you could log into the domain
via dial-up. This will allow you to work with your work profile and utilize
any existing drives or other resources that may be set up via login scripts
or policies. This will also allow you to authenticate against the domain
resources with your normal account rights.

Kind Regards,


Colin M. McGroarty
Windows Server MVP

I recently upgraded my PC at home from ME to XP pro. (dual boot using two
HDs). I frequently need to connect to the office network from home so use
RAS on our NT 4 server and DUN on the PC at home. Under ME I was able to
connect to the server, map network drives, logon to the exchange server for
email and browse the rest of the network (primarily a Workgroup of WinXX

However under XP I have not been able to browse the network (browsing
Workgroup only shows my own PC and there is no sign at all of the NT domain
name). I can find the server if I enter its name and do a search for
'computers or people', so I have been able to map drives this way. However
the only way I can see the other PCs is if I ping them but I can't find them
by name or connect to any of their resources.

The home PC is not configured to connect to a domain at start-up, but it's
workgroup name is the same as at the office. The office domain name is
included in the options tab of the Dial Up connection properties. Client for
Microsoft Networks is one of the items included under the Networking tab. On
the XP setup the only protocol running is TCP/IP with a server assigned IP
address. However, on the ME setup Netbeui is also being used for the dial-up
connection. Both protocols have permission on the server to access the
network.. The XP Internet Connection Firewall is disabled although I'm
running Zone Alarm (but this also runs under the ME setup).

There are no clues in either the local or server Event Logs. The Server
Event log shows the user (me!) logging on and being successfully

I've read that Netbeui is not supported under XP and even if manually
installed it can't be bound to the dial-up connection. I suspect I have a
name resolving issue and may need to configure the server with a WINS
service (and therefore presumably all the PCs to register with it!). However
I'd rather not do this if there is a simpler solution.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (apologies for the length of the post,
but I thought I'd provide as much detail as possible!).




My issue is similar to yours except I DUN into another
company's NT 4 server from an XP Pro at my work. I can't
even get authenticated to their server. It works on a Win98
PC with the same username password combo that I'm trying
on the XP Pro box. The only difference is that the Win98 PC
has NETBEUI protocol attached to DUN. My question is how
did you get your XP Pro to connect and authenticate to your
NT 4 server?


Mike Carter

David - sorry only just spotted your post.

On my PC at home I had to set up my user name and password (those required
to log on to the PC) to the same details as for logging onto the work
domain. Also, on the options tab of the DUN properties, ensure you have
"Include Windows logon domain" checked and then include the domain name of
the remote network in the appropriate box when making the connection.

Unfortunately Netbeui is not supported under XP and even if you manually
install it (which is an option), it is not available for Dial up
connections. You therefore have to use TCP/IP and ensure all the settings
for this are correctly configured. This includes allowing incoming TCP/IP
connections on the RAS server. In my case I have a server assigned IP

Is your XP Pro box connected to a LAN at work and are you logged onto a
local domain? If so, your case is more complicated than mine since I have
set my home machine to only be part of a workgroup.

I suspect the suggestion from Colin McGroarty in reply to my original post
will help in your case. Try setting up a separate logon name / password for
your PC that match those required for the remote network (i.e. don't logon
to a local network (if you have one) when you turn on your PC . If you get
autheticated when dialing in you should then be able to join the remote
domain (under control panel, system, computer name). Then the next time you
boot up put a cross in the box that says something like "connect using dial
up networking".

I haven't tried Colin's suggestion myself since I think I will loose the
"Teletubies" type user logon buttons with pictures that are appropriate for
family use!

In any case, the first thing to check is the TCP/IP settings.

Let me know how you get on.


----- Original Message -----
From: "daemon" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:19 AM
Subject: DUN into NT Server problems

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