Dummy server



Hi friends

i want to write a code for dummy server (a small server) which request/
responds only 2-3 fields
should i use
C native code OR some Lib in Framework
or i have to use IIS and no custom version ( i would prefer custom
version =) )

i will be accessing this server using ASP.NET mvc.

in which way it will be possible to get a good solution !!
Thanks in advance..

Mike Lovell

i want to write a code for dummy server (a small server) which request/
responds only 2-3 fields
should i use
C native code OR some Lib in Framework
or i have to use IIS and no custom version ( i would prefer custom
version =) )

i will be accessing this server using ASP.NET mvc.

in which way it will be possible to get a good solution !!
Thanks in advance..

Look into WCF

Arne Vajhøj

i want to write a code for dummy server (a small server) which request/
responds only 2-3 fields
should i use
C native code OR some Lib in Framework
or i have to use IIS and no custom version ( i would prefer custom
version =) )

i will be accessing this server using ASP.NET mvc.

in which way it will be possible to get a good solution !!

Many options:
1) drop the independent server server and put the stuff
inside you ASP.NET MVC app
2) use web service call (either WCF or traditional .asmx)
3) use HTTP and the HttpListener class to implement a
small web server
4) use a windows service and some binary protocol (plain
sockets or remoting with binary formatter and TCP binding)

Which one is best is difficult to say with the limited
information that we have.



Many options:
1) drop the independent server server and put the stuff
    inside you ASP.NET MVC app
2) use web service call (either WCF or traditional .asmx)
3) use HTTP and the HttpListener class to implement a
    small web server
4) use a windows service and some binary protocol (plain
    sockets or remoting with binary formatter and TCP binding)

Which one is best is difficult to say with the limited
information that we have.


Thanks Arne....
that would surely help me to make my decision.
the purpose for dummy server was to implement Finance info exchange
(http://www.fixprotocol.org/) protocol
keeping server dedicated for FIX for fast request/response

Arne Vajhøj

that would surely help me to make my decision.
the purpose for dummy server was to implement Finance info exchange
(http://www.fixprotocol.org/) protocol
keeping server dedicated for FIX for fast request/response

With this requirement (custom binary protocol over TCP), then
you need to implement a socket server.

I will suggest to use the high level TcpListener class.

But after a quick skim of the FIX protocol web site, then
I suspect that it would not be a trivial task to implement.


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