Dual Monitors Problem Help Request


George Trakker

I have a VISTA laptop and I've attached an additional monitor to allow for more desktop space.

I've set them two monitors up with 1 as the laptop display and 2 as the adjacent flatscreen.

The laptop screen is listed as the main screen, but the desktop icons move onto the adjacent monitor. If this extra monitors isn't on I don't have any of my desktop icons.

? What can I do to keep my desktop icons on the laptop and only put those windows on the flatscreen that I deem needed?

I've check the drivers under device manager and all are upto date and working properly.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

George T.

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Brett I. Holcomb

On a desktop you go into the display settings and set the primary and
secondary monitor positions and which is which. Laptops - depends
<G>. Every one I've seen is basically brain dead in handling multiple
monitors and every brand has their own brain deadness. Some require
their software to set things up, others try and get too smart and end
up messing things up. I'd suggest you search for your laptop and
multiple monitors and see what the suggested procedure is.


Just use a right mouse click to drag and drop a copy of the desktops icons
you want from the primary display to the secondary display then you can
always use either display.

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