Dual Monitors - jumping specific slides



Running Win 98 and PowerPoint 2000. Dual monitor set up and running OK - Desktop shows Design view and Projector shows slideshow view. Is it possible to select a slide out of sequence in design view then jump to it immediately on the projector/slide show view?


If you are in an active show -- type the number of the slide you want to
jump to and then the enter key.

If the active show is paused, then reactivate the show and do the above.

If there is no active show and you just want to start on a specific slide,
then select the slide and press the icon in the lower right quadrant of the
screen. It looks like a miniature projection screen or a square popsicle.
(In PowerPoint 2003, you also have the option of pressing Alt+F5 to start
show from currently selected slide.)


Roger said:
Running Win 98 and PowerPoint 2000. Dual monitor set up and running OK -
Desktop shows Design view and Projector shows slideshow view. Is it possible
to select a slide out of sequence in design view then jump to it immediately
on the projector/slide show view?


Thanks, I'll try this.

-----Original Message-----
If you are in an active show -- type the number of the slide you want to
jump to and then the enter key.

If the active show is paused, then reactivate the show and do the above.

If there is no active show and you just want to start on a specific slide,
then select the slide and press the icon in the lower right quadrant of the
screen. It looks like a miniature projection screen or a square popsicle.
(In PowerPoint 2003, you also have the option of pressing Alt+F5 to start
show from currently selected slide.)


and running OK -
Desktop shows Design view and Projector shows slideshow view. Is it possible
to select a slide out of sequence in design view then jump to it immediately
on the projector/slide show view?



You might want to look at PowerShow add-in at
http://officeone.mvps.org/powershow/powershow.html - among other things, it
enables you to make the slide show respond to the slide sorter view. So,
when you click on a slide in the slide sorter, the slide show would jump to
that slide on the projector.

- Chirag

Shortcut Manager - Assign keyboard shortcuts to menu items and macros

Roger said:
Running Win 98 and PowerPoint 2000. Dual monitor set up and running OK -
Desktop shows Design view and Projector shows slideshow view. Is it possible
to select a slide out of sequence in design view then jump to it immediately
on the projector/slide show view?

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