DSum criteria



I have a list I would like to sum. My Database range is named "SCORES"; my
field is field 2 that I would like to pull the data from; my criteria is
where I have a problem.

I have a separate list with a Label that says: PLAYER; Then underneath
that label, I have listed the names of the players that I would like to use
the DSUM on. The cells for that list of criteria is: F1:F8 and looks like
Joe Doe (F2)
Jane Doe (F3)
and others on down

My formula which is in the cells just to the right of each name (G2, G3,
etc..) is like this: =DSUM(SCORES,2,F1:F8). I don't see how to get EACH
name to DSUM using my list in F1:F8...

Does anybody know what the heck I'm talking about????and do you have any

Thanks a bunch

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