DSNLes Connection




I've been reading many posts on this. I have tried to use Doug Steele's
example along with Carl Prothman's "Connection Strings". So far I haven't
gotten it to work. I have an Access 2003 database with links to Visual Fox
Pro free table structure. When I originally created my ODBC driver, it was a
simple navigation of the network directory to find the .dbf file so I'm not
sure what to use for "ServerName" and "DatabaseName". The connection string
is also stumping me. Here's the section of code that is causing me

tdfCurrent.Connect = "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" & _
"SourceType=DBF;" & _
"SourceDB=\\servername\application folder\database folder;" & _
tdfCurrent.SourceTableName = typNewTables(intLoop).SourceTableName
dbCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfCurrent 'errors on this line of ode
"Error...3170 .....Cannot
find installable ISAM.."

I'm sure I have something wrong with the connection string as well as the
ServerName and DatabaseName arguments - using puedo
names..........Fixconnections "btrserver1", "our_db"
Would a Fox Pro free table structure be referenced by a database name?
"our_db" is just the name of the folder where the dbfs are contained (within
the "database folder" in the SourceDB above)

Thanks for any insight for my oversight (short-sightedness or
:) LeAnn

Douglas J. Steele

The Connect property must start with ODBC;

If you're using a different connect string than in the sample code, and it's
not using the function's parameters, just remove the parameters from the

However, I'm not sure you can use ODBC with VFP: I think you have to simply
link and select the appropriate file type.

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