DRW to Outlook


Stephen Green

I have already created DRW reports that list e-mail addresses for cutting
and pasting into Outlook's To: field. (email@one; email@2; email@3;etc...)

Is it possible for this list to be sent to Outlook's To: field

Can I create a link or button that would activate the DRW report and open
Outlook with the e-mail addresses already stuffed into the To: field?



Kevin Spencer

How are your programming skills?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Stephen Green

My programming skills are somewhat limited. That's the reason I use the
DRW's. However, I'm willing to try something if you have a suggestion.


Kevin Spencer

Well, I don't know exactly what you want to do, but I suspect it has nothing
to do with Outlook, or the DRW. Assuming that you have a database containing
email addresses and/or other information about people, and you want to send
them all an email, you would build an application that connects to the
database, pulls the email addresses, and uses an SMTP server to send them
via CDONTS or CDOSYS, depending on the server.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Stephen Green


Thanks for you reply.

I managed to accomplish the task by creating a variable and filling the
variable with the e-mail addresses separated by semi-colons. Then I created
a mailto: link using that variable.

This works fine. Outlook opens with the addresses already in the To: field.

One question remains. How many addresses will Outlook accept in the To:
field? One of my queries yields 93. With this number of recipients Outlook
doesn't even open upon clicking the link.

Thanks again.



A URL, starting with mailto: and ending with the last email address, has a
limit of 256 characters. (some browsers and email clients may accept more).
How many addresses can you fit into 249 characters (after the mailto:)? And
remember the ; separator. 30 if they take the form (e-mail address removed), maybe 10 if
they are "normal" sized addresses.

Stephen Green

So do I understand that the limitation is only on a mailto: ?

If this is so, I'll have to send the mail with ASP code, I guess.

It seems I can enter much more by cutting and pasting into Outlook. Is this



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