DropDownList not giving the selected item when a Button is clicked... please help newbie...


Julius Mong

Hi dear experts,

I'm new to ASP.NET and am having a hard time trying to make this work :( I
have a ddl which contains 2 or more items (populated by code) and a submit
asp:button that I'd want when clicked simply sends the ddl's selected item's
text value to an asp:label. I have searched through google for a couple of
days and have tried many things like setting autopostback on the ddl but
nothing is working :( I simply can't work my head round this...

I now have :

<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<table cellSpacing="10" cellPadding="0" width="880" border="0">
<td id="content_0">
<P><asp:dropdownlist id="lstServer" runat="server"
<P><asp:button id="btnSubmit" runat="server"
<P><asp:label id="lblStatus" runat="server">Server Status

and in the aspx.cs I have the method registered to the click event:

private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
lblStatus.Text = lstServer.SelectedItem.Text ;

However it is always showing the first item in the ddl... I have tried
putting a public string in teh webform class and on the ddl's
selectedindexchange store that selectedvalue to the public string and
retrieve it when Page.IsPostBack on Page_Load and have btnSubmit_Click get
the string instead, but it is always the first item int he ddl still... I am
so confused... could someone kindly point me int he right direction
please... or let me know where on the Web I should look...

Thanks tonnes!!!


Eliyahu Goldin


Make sure that the code populating the ddl doesn't run when IsPostBack=true.
And note, that server-side event handlers execute AFTER Page_Load.


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