Drop Down Timeouts



In a web page I have some dropdown lists. Those are changes by another. This
page is working well in many clients. But one of my customer (has many
clients) said page has giving timeout error. Real Case is :
1- If they are using their laptops with their Adsl (Directly To Internet) or
LAN (Corporate with PDC), dorpdowns gives timeouts.
3- If they go out to anywhere like their home with those laptops - No Error
2- If I go there and use my computer with their Adsl - No error

Firs I said this is because of their adsl but my laptop is working well on
theri adsl. Then I said this is because of your laptops but those are working
when they are not in company.

Is anyone suggest something to check or correct this error.

Page has : MasterPage, Content Page and usercontrol with ajax update panels.


Please forget it about wired. I have same problem on wireless case to. It not
working Their laptops with their wireless. But it is working : My laptop with
their wireless, and it is also working : Their Laptop with any different


I am using a database connection like below
<add name="MitraExam" connectionString="Data
Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxx;User
Timeout=45;" />

But it seems (In my opinion) page is not going to server back.


I would experiment with the network protocol.

You have a semi-anal connection string. (IP address and port number).

I'd add the network protocol to make it super-anal.

Like I said, its a small chance, but a chance. And you're 75% there, just
add the network protocol info.


There is Internet Security Systems Preventia Desktop Firewall. But we are
trying by stopping this firewall. And it is still on the machine in 2 case
(Working and not working)

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