Drop Down List



is it possible in excel as it is html.
that in a drop down list created of say 100 to 150 items if i press say
m it shows items starting with m rather than scrolling down.


Assuming you want this combobox on a worksheet.
Click View>Toolbars>Control Toolbox.
On the control Toolbox click on the combobox and then click and drag on
you sheet to place the combobox.
Right click the combobox and select Properties.
Make sure tha AutoWordSelect is set to True.
Set ListFillRange to be the range that has the list of items you want ot
appear in the combobox eg A2:A28.
Set LinkedCell as the cell you want to hold item selected in the combobox.
Close the Properties window.
On the Control Toolbox click Exit Design Mode (top left button).
Close Control Toolbox.

Hope this helps

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