Drop Down List on a Report



The user would like a drop down list on the report to select the specific
information and when selecting gives only that information on the report.
The report is pulled from one query. I have made a quick fix for this
utilizing the Like [Enter Org Unit] in the query field and this pulls only
that information into the report after the user types in the value. Is there
a way to place a drop down listing on the report? How do I go about doing
this? Thanks

benyod79 via AccessMonster.com

Can't do dropdown lists in reports.

Create a "report" form with a dropdown "OrgUnit" that lists the unique Org
Units. In the dropdown's afterupdate event, create an event procedure and
call the report using:

DoCmd.OpenReport "YourReportName", acViewPreview, , "[Org Unit] = '" & Me.
OrgUnit & "'"

The user would like a drop down list on the report to select the specific
information and when selecting gives only that information on the report.
The report is pulled from one query. I have made a quick fix for this
utilizing the Like [Enter Org Unit] in the query field and this pulls only
that information into the report after the user types in the value. Is there
a way to place a drop down listing on the report? How do I go about doing
this? Thanks

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