drag across multiple data sets



Hi, i am looking to drag my calculation across cells in excel.
I have a two page set up.

Calculation in cell 1, sheet 1 = 4 cells across on sheet 2

I want to drag the formula across my cells on sheet 1 so that

Cell 1 sheet 1 = Sheet 2 Cells 1 - 4
Cell 2 Sheet 1 = Sheet 2 Cells 4 - 8
Cell 3 Sheet 1 = Sheet 2 Cells 9 - 12 etc...


Cell 10 Sheet 1 = Sheet 2 cell 4
Cell 11 Sheet 1 = Sheet 2 cell 8
Cell 12 Sheet 1 = Sheet 2 cell 12 etc...

This would make things alot easier, REALLY dont want to have to do these by
hand 1000 times :)

Hope some one can help.

Thanks Giddy


Why don't you give actual cell references, that will help. Instead of
Cell 1 sheet 1 = Sheet 2 Cells 1 - 4

Sheet1!A1 = Sheet2!A1:A4

Or whatever the actual cells should be. It will be easier for someone
to help you. OFFSET formulas are probably the solution for this task.


Hi Spiky
This isnt how I have written the formulas, this is how I have tried to
describe what I need it to do, I need a formula from cells 1-4 in cell 1
sheet 1, but when i drag I want a formula from cells 4-8 in cell 2 sheet 1,
rather than from cells 2-5 as it does automatically. I have looked on HELP
but I am not familiar with the jargon required to get the correct answer, but
I will try looking up OFFSET as you have suggested.

Thanks Giddy


I need a formula from cells 1-4 in cell 1
sheet 1, but when i drag I want a formula from cells 4-8 in cell 2 sheet 1,

I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean by the sentence I just
quoted. Too much use of "cell" makes it ambiguous. I know you are
intending to use description rather than technical jargon. But, for
posting here, use actual Excel cell references like A1, D7, etc.
Technical jargon is preferred, so use as much as you can. If you use
the actual references from your file, someone can probably help you
with a precise formula and all you'd have to do is copy it.

At least call them Rows and Columns, if not actual references.

Gord Dibben

What Spiky means is instead of cell 1 or cells 1-4 refer to them by their

i.e. A1 or A1:A4

Cells 4-8 or cells 2-5 is meaningless

Every column or row in a sheet has cells 4-8

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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