Downloaded file extension changed



When I try to dl files with extension .exe the extension is
changed by IE6 to .bin

An example is Mcafee's Stinger.exe. I have downloaded it
several times in the past to get updated copies, with no
problems. Now when I dl the file, it arrives with a .bin

I've looked at the security features of IE6 which seem to
indicate the situation above is normal and cannot be changed.

Will I need to rename EVERY .exe file I dl in the future???

Should I just bite the bullet and switch to Netscape??

Anyone have a clue? Appreciate any help!


H Leboeuf

It could be a bad file type association. This is from a previous post. Read
it for some clues.

Download file, extension changed.

From: "Rick"

IE 5.5 and even 6.0, append a file extension to files types that are not
registered windows
file types. For example, a file with the following name 031803.BACT will get
renamed by the browser upon download to 031803.BACT.txt

Please note that Netscape's browser does not append the extension.
Workarounds available for this are:

1.) Rename the file
2.) Register the file type
3.) Hide the file extensions for known file types

The ideal solution is to register the file type so the appending of the .txt
ceases from then
on. But this is a cumbersome process. Does anyone have an idea on how to
prevent this from happening by changing a setting or something?

Appreciate your help!


Hi Rick,

When you are prompted to save the file, take notice of the field that says
'Save as type:'.
For unknown (unregistered) extensions, this will default to Text Document.
To save the file without appending a .txt extension, change this field to
say All Files.
This will save the file as is.

From: "Chris Jarvi [MSFT]"

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