"double" email addresses, 553 "chunk too large" error



Ok, I've googled myself blue but can't find anything even close. This only
seems to be a problem when mailing to 10 or 20 or more people. I send to
e.g, (e-mail address removed) and others, it sends just fine. but then when i want to
send to the same person(s) later, Outlook changes the email address(es) to
read '(e-mail address removed)'<[email protected]> which causes a NDR error 553 blah blah
chunk too large. i have tried copying the email address into a txt file,
pasting and immediately hitting send .... but Outllook immediately changes to
the "double email address." i can right click on each and add to my
contacts to change the display name, but these are people i don't
particularly want as "contacts" but more improtantly, it TAKES TOO LONG....
any help is appreciated!


Check out this site
it discusses this further
When you send an e-mail message that encounters a relay error, your SMTP
(outgoing) e-mail server might return your e-mail message with an error
message such as one of the following:

The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by
the server. The rejected e-mail address was '<[email protected]>'. Subject:
'<Test>', Account: '<Test>', Server: '<smtp.example.com>', Protocol: SMTP,
Server Response: '550 <[email protected]>... Relaying Denied', Port: 25,
Secure (SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79.


Thanks, Karen, but my problem doesn't originate as a relay problem. it
BECOMES a protocol problem because of Outook "doubling" the email address to
the form as I first posted. How can I get Outlook to just leave the email
address as it is? (e-mail address removed)...... instead of changing it to
'(e-mail address removed)<[email protected]> ???? Thanks, David

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