Double Dashes Causing problems in downloaded records



Downloaded a file that has certain fields containing leading "--" values.
Excel treats some, but not all(?) as a formula and gives a #NAME error.
I understand its interpretation of the dashes-although I've never used them-and why it
results in the error.
I am looking for a way to eliminate them and retain the text in the field.
An example is;
Dl'd value of --AGCY NOT NUMERIC XXXXXXXXX, results in;
XL inserts the "=" sign and results in the Name error.

Strangely, it is not consistent throughout, for ex;
"--AGCY NOT NUMERIC 04041011"
is OK. The only difference being that the 1st example has "X's in the field whereas the
second has numbers(?)

At the end of the day I'd like to retain the text value following the dashes.

Dave Peterson

If the double dashes only appear at the front of those "formulas", maybe just a
mass change:

what: =--
with: '-- (apostrophe, dash, dash)
replace all

Depending on how you're bringing them into excel (Opening a .txt file maybe).
You can specify Text as the field type in the data import wizard.


Thanks Dave;
That worked, don't know why I didn't think of it, probably because I was too "intrigued"
by it only happening on some of the instances.
The file was the result of bringing in a "txt" file but, because I didn't expect the
situation, I left it as General. Of course I only discovered the problem after I'd sent
the XLS home (original txt file is at work)!

Anyway, all is well.

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