Double copy of Office needed?


Alan Silberlight

I bought a Windows XP computer yesterday. I installed
Office XP logged on as user Alan. When my wife logs on as
user Chris and attempts to run an Office program, there is
a message saying that the feature is on the Office
installation disks. After Xing out on this message, I am
able to run the program. Does this mean that a double copy
of Office XP must be installed on the same computer? I
find this difficult to believe. I know that there must be
something that I do not realize. Please advise.
Thank you very much.
Alan Silberlight

Graham Mayor

The bulk of the application is installed in :\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office10; however there are lots of settings that are available on a
per-user basis and these are stored in the :\Documents and
Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft areas.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
E-mail (e-mail address removed)
Web site
Word MVP web site
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Also I'd try popping Office XP in again and as long as you have the hard drive space, set everything
for Install Now (or whatever the setting is). Don't leave anything as Install On First Use. Should
save you the trouble of needed the CD ever again....

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