dotted line highlight for button



I'm trying to find the command(s) that will force buttons to be highlighted
any time they're in focus. At the moment, buttons are only sometimes
highlighted, and you can't always tell where you are. I did find this online:
"When a button has the keyboard focus, the system typically highlights the
text, icon, or bitmap of a button by surrounding it with a dotted line.", but
no instructions on how to highlight yourself. Any help would be great!
Thanks very much,

Jonathan Allen

Try it on another computer, maybe something is wrong with yours. I've never
had the focus indicator disappear for me.


I just realized that the highlighting doesn't show up when I use an up/down
key to focus on a button that hasn't been highlighted before (tabbed into).
If it has been highlighted before, it works fine. Any thoughts on how to get
it to work all the time?
Thanks again!

Jonathan Allen

Nope, never heard of that before. Maybe if you post the code someone else
might figure it out.


I actually found a way to work around it. As soon as one button became
highlighted, they all would when focused on so I just set the focus for the
button before the one I wanted to start with and wrote
SendKeys.Send("{Tab}"). It all worked fine then. Thanks very much though!

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