DOS batch command




Is there a command like the "old" choice command that would allow me to
build and interactive batch file?

Thank you.


Shenan Stanley

Eric said:
Is there a command like the "old" choice command that would allow
me to build and interactive batch file?


However - for stability reasons - it was removed. It does work.

Innately - use the "set" command.
Use "set /?" to see a list of options.

For example:
@echo off
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM | sample batch file using the SET command
REM | at the bottom where the echo commands tell the user what choice they
made |
REM | you can add anything you want, including multiple commands
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo. You have 3 choices:
echo 1. enter option 1 here
echo 2. enter option 2 here
echo 3. enter option 3 here

REM Clear the Environment variable, "choice"
set choice=

REM Tell user to enter choice, and assign it to the "choice" Variable
set /p choice=Enter your choice now :
REM strip all but the first char from the content of var choice.
REM the :~0,1 means return from offset zero (aka begin one character)
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' goto CHOICE1
if '%choice%'=='2' goto CHOICE2
if '%choice%'=='3' goto CHOICE3
echo "%choice%" is not valid please try again
goto start

REM act on the choice that the User made
echo You entered 1
goto end
echo You entered 2
goto end
echo You entered 3

:end------- Shenan Stanley MS-MVP-- How To Ask Questions The Smart


Worked like a charm!
Thank you Shenan..


Shenan Stanley said:

However - for stability reasons - it was removed. It does work.

Innately - use the "set" command.
Use "set /?" to see a list of options.

For example:
@echo off
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM | sample batch file using the SET command |
REM | at the bottom where the echo commands tell the user what choice they
made |
REM | you can add anything you want, including multiple commands |
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo. You have 3 choices:
echo 1. enter option 1 here
echo 2. enter option 2 here
echo 3. enter option 3 here

REM Clear the Environment variable, "choice"
set choice=

REM Tell user to enter choice, and assign it to the "choice" Variable
set /p choice=Enter your choice now :
REM strip all but the first char from the content of var choice.
REM the :~0,1 means return from offset zero (aka begin one character)
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' goto CHOICE1
if '%choice%'=='2' goto CHOICE2
if '%choice%'=='3' goto CHOICE3
echo "%choice%" is not valid please try again
goto start

REM act on the choice that the User made
echo You entered 1
goto end
echo You entered 2
goto end
echo You entered 3

:end------- Shenan Stanley MS-MVP-- How To Ask Questions The Smart

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