doPostBack causing a crash in IE7



Anyone experience this?

I am doing a "__doPostBack('','');" in javascript. The postback does occur
on the server side as I have verified this in debug mode. However, when the
response is sent back, IE7 crashes.

I am using ASP.NET 1.1 for this application. Curiously, the application
works fine in IE5.5 or IE6. In IE7, however, it crashes. I verified this
crash on various computers.

Any comments, directions, suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Anyone experience this?

I am doing a "__doPostBack('','');" in javascript. The postback does occur
on the server side as I have verified this in debug mode. However, when the
response is sent back, IE7 crashes.

I am using ASP.NET 1.1 for this application. Curiously, the application
works fine in IE5.5 or IE6. In IE7, however, it crashes. I verified this
crash on various computers.

Any comments, directions, suggestions are greatly appreciated.


This probably isn't very helpful, but at least it shows that this can
work in IE7.

I use onKeyPress="javascript:if(event.keyCode == 13)
__doPostBack('ctl00$Login1$btnLogin','')" on one of my text boxes and
it works perfectly in IE6 and IE7.




I found the issue.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the __doPostBack. Rather, it seems IE7
does not like the SmartNavigation.

I turned it off and the page no longer crashes. I will research some more
tonight to see exactly what is triggerring the problem.


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