Don't waste your time....


Mike Schindler

Windows Movie Maker 2 (together with Puke! Digital Media
Edition)is a big, steaming pile of buggy crap. Dont
spending hours tyring to figure out why it crashes
instead of making good on it's feature-set claims, you're
much better off going with a STABLE video editing product
like Premiere, or even Pinnacle Studio.

It's much better to spend extra time on the learning
curve for a higher end product then wasting that same
time trying to figure out unstable programs with far
lesser functionality - like Mavie Maker 2.


-----Original Message-----
Windows Movie Maker 2 (together with Puke! Digital Media
Edition)is a big, steaming pile of buggy crap. Dont
spending hours tyring to figure out why it crashes
instead of making good on it's feature-set claims, you're
much better off going with a STABLE video editing product
like Premiere, or even Pinnacle Studio.

It's much better to spend extra time on the learning
curve for a higher end product then wasting that same
time trying to figure out unstable programs with far
lesser functionality - like Mavie Maker 2.

Why would anyone choose to look at and use MM2? (1) It's
neat. (2) It's simple. (3) It's another tool. (4) It's

Good luck, trft


-----Original Message-----

Why would anyone choose to look at and use MM2? (1) It's
neat. (2) It's simple. (3) It's another tool. (4) It's

Good luck, trft


Windows Movie Maker is a very poor attempt by Microsoft
to overcome Apple's monoply in the digital video market,
and more so there iMovie, iDVD software. Although these
are consumer friendly and not as advanced, WMM still even
fails to come close to these. Firstly, WMMM is very
limited in what you can do full stop. It's unstable, it's
down right crap. Plus, DVD authoring is not even inbuilt
to it and niether is an export button! Do not use WMM to
do a professional looking video, ti's all right if you
want to do perhaps web authoring, but nothing more. I
suggest Adobe's range or Pinnacle's or better yet if you
are really serious about movie making? Move to Mac cause
a PC won't even handle it. (Don't get me started...)

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

I was reading the iLife Bible tonight, having heard about iMovie burning

What I didn't know was that you export from iMovie a file for iDVD to use.
Seems the same as saving a DV-AVI file from Movie Maker and then using other
software like MyDVD to author/burn the DVD. The integration doesn't seem any


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