Don't want to use querystring variables...



I don't want to use QueryString variables to pass data from page to page
because the user can see and manipulate it. ( I know I can check for valid
data, and I do).

What other methods are people using to pass ID's around there apps from page
to page, like when a user clicks on a link, I need to be able to pass that
ID associated with that link back to my app, so I can build more child



Martin Marinov

All depends on the scenraio of your application.
You can pass values through session objects, but the you have to destroy
them or to manage them correctly because you can mess a previous call to a
page with next call just because of old values in a session object
Other way is to use Server.Transfer method, which will pass whole Request
collection to the next page, you can directly get the information you want
to. In this case the url for the page will not be changed


Mark Rae

I don't want to use QueryString variables to pass data from page to page
because the user can see and manipulate it. ( I know I can check for valid
data, and I do).

What other methods are people using to pass ID's around there apps from page
to page, like when a user clicks on a link, I need to be able to pass that
ID associated with that link back to my app, so I can build more child

Well, the obvious answer is form submission. Instead of a link, have a
submit button which submits the page back to itself (or to another page, if
you prefer), then interrogate the Request.Forms collection server-side.

Or, if you don't want a submit button, have the hyperlink call a JavaScript
function passing in the value you're interested in. That function can
populate a hidden text box in your form and then submit the form to achieve
the same effect.


Thank you for your ideas. I am using the session route now, and yes it is
difficult keeping it accurate.

Thanks again.




I like your idea of the JavaScript passing the value to a hidden var.



Mark Rae

I like your idea of the JavaScript passing the value to a hidden var.

I promise you, this is not my idea! This is a totally standard way of
achieving what you want :)


function submitForm()
document.frmTest.txtHiddenValue.value = 'Hello'; // or
do any other client-side stuff e.g. validation here

<form id=frmTest>
<input type=hidden id=txtHiddenValue runat=server>
<input type=button id=cmdSubmit value=Submit


Then, when you submit the form, interrogate the value of txtHiddenValue in
the Page_Load event:

if (Page.IsPostBack)
string strHiddenValue = Request.Form["txtHiddenValue"].ToString();

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